The Funny Mummies Comedy Gala is a stand-up comedy showcase performed by mothers for mothers.

Three mama comedians present a mothering themed stand-up show, allowing and encouraging the audience to laugh at their own stories of the shit parts of parenthood, tales of epic mothering fails and ever-relatable domestic dramas. With an ever-changing line-up, the Funny Mummies Comedy Gala will have your audiences returning for repeat seasons, guaranteed to see something new.

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Funny Mummies™ is a producer of live comedy shows and of a vibrant online community. Founded by internationally award winning speaker, comedian and mental health advocate Jenny Wynter, we create and tour shows that delight audiences, connect community members and improve mental well-being through laughter.

To find out how Funny Mummies Touring can work with you to make your event spectacular and memorable with truly lasting impact, please get in touch.

    Yes - a committed dateYes - a window of datesNo - not yet

    Yes - committed budgetYes - tentative budgetNo - not yet

    Remote, rural or regionalLocal, state or federal government bodyCharity or not-for-profit